Monday, August 29, 2011

Twenty Seven Lessons

27 Things I've Learned In 27 Years

1. When a friend leaves your life for awhile, it doesn't mean they aren't a good friend.  Friends come and go. Good friends might go, but they come back too.

2. Your first time drinking with friends should never be the night before the marching band you belong to in high school has a huge parade.

3. People will tell you 23 years old is much to young to get married. It's not, by the way.

4. Having 2 credit cards is a bad idea when you're young and have little financial savvy.

5. Starting a brand new relationship when you are both entering college/university in different cities is not recommended.

6. Coffee, wine, and beer are an acquired taste.  A delicious, delicious acquired taste. 

7. Just Say No. It's true!

8. Money isn't the key to happiness.  However, to be happy, I think it helps to have money.

9.  Laughing loudly and often is never a bad thing.  And if someone tells you to be quiet... dump them.

10. TRAVEL.  Whenever and however you can.

11. It's okay if you think about which "Sex and the City", "Friends", or "How I Met Your Mother" character you are. (And no, it doesn't make you a hoe bag if you think Samantha!)

12. Don't go to University just to go.  College is an acceptable choice and it doesn't make you less intelligent than others.

13. Read a lot of books.

14. Never be ashamed if your house isn't as nice as others, or if you come from a family that doesn't have as much money as your friends.  People appreciate being invited over and no one judges as much as you think. (Your house is always more fun anyway, because spills aren't the end of the world, and your couches are almost always more comfortable!)


16. Give people compliments.  It makes them feel good, you feel better... win win.

17. Never accept the wrong drink or food order.  You're paying for it, it's their fault, and it doesn't make you a bitch to get what you want.

18. Four speeding tickets should teach you to slow down. (Key word: should).

19. Good communication really is the key to all successful relationships in your life.

20. Own a dog.  They are an excellent kid substitute, teach you to think of something other than yourself, and make you feel much less alone. 

21. See your favourite bands live.  It'll renew your faith in good music, and there is something about seeing something you love with 25,000 other people thinking the same thing.

22. Marry your best friend.  Know that it isn't always going to be perfect.

23. Blended wines are the best. Gewurztraminer/Riesling is my personal favourite.

24. Don't waste so much time worrying about the size of your jeans or the number on the scale.  Confidence really is the sexiest part of a woman.

25. Try new food.  It's okay to have "old faithfuls" but don't be a snob to new experiences.

26. Every so often, have the kind of weekend where, when someone asks you what you did, you can legitimately say "Nothing." 

27. Don't be afraid of honesty.

Cheers! I'm 27 today! 
Life is good.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Birthday Bliss

It seems fitting that with my definite lack of posts for August, that the first one I do pertains to birthdays, especially because mine just happens to fall in August.

I've always had a soft spot for birthdays - I love an excuse to celebrate, and birthdays are the quintessential reason to do so.

Cake, friends, candles, celebratory drinks - what more could a girl ask for? Throw in a present or two, and life doesn't get much better.

I don't mind getting older either, although twenty-seven is MUCH closer to thirty than I like to think about.  However, thirty just means you have even more of an excuse to go all out.

I have to admit, I'm getting excited about the prospect of planning my future children's birthdays.

I have a feeling I'll be one of those moms going a bit crazy with themes, goodie bags (side bar - remember goodie bags? We need to bring those back, adult style!), big cakes, and lots of love. 

Most likely because my Mom always went out of her way to plan me the best birthdays growing up. Thanks Mom!

Birthdays - nothing beats them!

"Grow old along with me! The best is yet to come..." - Robert Browning