For those of you who read my blog (thanks Mom), you may have noticed that the title has changed. Yay changes!
I was never particularly fond of "Carling's Chapter", a little cutesy with the alliteration, and had a definite lack of creativity.
Course Language hit me like a ton of bricks a few days ago.
"Course" is my last name. A name I had to earn, not one I was born into. I love the name (minus the occasional d-bag who reminds me not to call my future child "Inter".... really? You think you're a genius because you put Inter and Course together? Really?)
Course Language seemed to fit where my blog has been heading... a little rough around the edges, but (I hope) witty none the less.
And the tag line comes from a moment on that same day when I was liberally applying my black eye liner at 8AM and started to wonder if there was ever a time when black eye liner was innappropriate. (The answer - no.)
Blogs are an interesting thing - they are a gateway into your life that might not be there otherwise.
I love writing mine, and I love it even more now that the name reflects more of who I am.
Prepare yourself for continued important opinions.