Since moving, I've been trying to master the art of, what I call,
the photo burst.
I guess it might also be called a photo collage? Or collection?
I'm not entirely sure... burst works for me.
I've definitely jumped on the bandwagon of arranging
my photos in fun, alternating, patterny (without looking patterny) way
on my walls. And I'm a big fan!
Is there such a thing as too many photo bursts in your house?
That is the next decision I am tackling... not sure if I've overdone it.
Anyways, a little glimpse at what I'm talking about,
and what I've done.
Also - for those of you out there without proper
photo hanging tools, I learned the Best. Trick. Ever.
(from a little website called "Pinterest"... not sure if you've heard of it?)
Ready for your mind to be blown?
To know where to put the nail in the wall so your photo hangs
exactly where you want it (trés important when making bursts)
simply dab a little toothpaste where the nail goes on the back of the photo,
find the sweet spot on the wall, and simply press the photo against the wall.
You are left with a minty fresh dallop to use as a precise guide for
where to hammer home the nail!
(I'm a) GENIUS.
I'm thinking one more burst oughta do it.
Cheers to home decorating!