Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thank God for Kim Kardashian.

Trust me, the title of this blog post is blowing my mind
as much as it is yours.

I'm saying thank you for Kim Kardashian?
What the heck has the world come to, that I am actually
glad she is around?

Oh, I know.
She's pregnant, I'm pregnant...
and she's having a tough time!
I feel kind of like her pregnant (ample) bosom buddy.

I can't believe how much hate is going around on the
state of her body. Her PREGNANT body.
Calling a pregnant woman fat, really? 
Calling her out on eating ice cream, or the way she looks constantly, really? REALLY.

True, she makes some questionable maternity fashion choices.

(This is my least favourite. Yikes)

But, who doesn't? It's hard to know how to best dress this
foreign body we are all of a sudden dealing with.
I have to make my  gut  bump look cute, sassy, fun, or sexy.

I'm used to dressing a certain way.
When you have to "accentuate the bump",
it's like... where do I start?
And, um, maternity clothes are so expensive.

If you wear something too tight,
you're in a constant struggle like - is this too tight?
You can't wear Spanx anymore, so every little thing is starting to show.

Trying something flowy and boho chic,
for me, usually ends in a big bo-no freak.
Not pleasant.

Kim Kardashian has helped me so much with this
whole pregnancy thing.

Here is a woman, who by all counts,
is really only famous because she has a nice body.
 And then she got pregnant,
and all of a sudden - she's not looking so 
"stick figure with a basketball under her shirt"
like every pregnant famous person.

 What? Sometimes bums and hips grow too when you
have a bun in the oven?

So, like, lay off pregnant Kim Kardashian.
She's making a baby in that body of hers -
she should be applauded, not ridiculed.

And seriously - sometimes, she looks really good.

 (my favourite look so far)


Friday, May 3, 2013

broken record.

I'm a "wear my emotions all over my sleeve" kind of person.
I've tried caring less, saying "who cares", letting things "roll off my back"...
but yah, not working.

Kudos to you if you can do that - I wish you well, 
and if you want to impart your obvious wisdom on me, 
please, text me immediately.

I'm basically a broken record at this point,
I'm pretty sure I've written a variation of this blog post before.
Why am I not learning anything from my past experience?
Can I blame the fake blond hair? Pregnancy hormones?

I've decided to try to spin it into something positive.
I'm passionate! If my fault is that I care too much, then...
what's the problem?

The PROBLEM, dear self, is that...
it makes you stressed out.
It makes you feel disrespected.
It  makes you feel "less than".
(An uncomfortable place to be)

So what I do I do? How do I change this?
I have a son on the way.
Do I want him to grow up with a Mom that
seems angry a lot because of people/things
not doing things the way I would want them done?

Do I drop the things in my life that aren't working?
Say goodbye to the things that are "say goodbyeble?"
(Goodbyeable? I blame that most definitely on the fake blond hair.)

The thing is - I can't change you/the situation.
I can't change who you are, how you deal, etc.
I can change MYSELF.
Fix my flaws, work on how I react.

Why is that so hard?

Can someone please take me on vacation now please.