Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Life Before LOL

I was recently going through some old "notes" from high school.

Remember notes? Little scraps of paper passed between friends documenting everything important and wonderful in your little 16 year old lives. 

 (And you thought I was talking about class notes - for shame! I burned those every year!)

 Do high school students still pass notes? Or is it all texting all the time? That makes me sad to think that notes might be a thing of the past! They were definitely a staple during all my elementary and high school years.

Anyways, what I noticed upon reading these notes, that my friends and I, when something was funny in the note, used words like "giggle", "tee hee hee", or "HAHAHA!"
Even "smile" was used to relay how we were feeling.

 Real adjectives to show how we thought something was funny.  What life was like before the "change everything about the way we relay humour" LOL.

LOL has become the three letters used at the end of almost every sentence when conversing with friends. And it's a lie! How often are you actually "lol-ing" when you write that you are? NEVER! 

In fact, I would argue that if you ACTUALLY laugh out loud, you now have to literally write that  you actually laughed out loud, so that the person knows what they said was actually funny. (actually, actually, actually.)

Bring back adjectives! Bring back notes!

Cheers to life before LOL.

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