Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The "C" Word

Is anyone else as confused as I am about the word

Who is curvy? What body shape is curvy?
Am I curvy? ARE YOU CURVY?

When you hear the word -
is it insulting? Or a fantastic compliment?
(Or, as my husband would say,
an Insompliment -
a la "you would be really pretty if you wore makeup",
or "your hair looks so much better than yesterday".
Not quite an insult, not quite a compliment.)

I recently read an article entitled
"Every woman in America is now 'Curvy"
and it echos my sentiments on this issue.

The jist of the article is that pretty much all women
are given the title "curvy",
from a stick thin Taylor Swift, to a much larger Gabrielle Siebe.

This is curvy? Or just a really beautiful thin woman?

This is curvy? Or just a really beautiful big woman?

I can see why I'm so confused.
I get called curvy All. The. Time.

But then I think -
wait? Am I Taylor Swift curvy to you, or
more of a Gabrielle Siebe curvy?

I don't want to be either.
Labels suck.

Being called curvy to one woman is a really great compliment.
To another woman? It's the worst.

The author of the article mentions that,
at one point, she described herself as curvy on her online dating profile.
A "gentleman" quickly replied to her with this:
“P.S. Dont say ur  ‘curvy’ cuz guys will think ur fat ;).”

(He did give a winky face - so he's not a total doucher?)
But really - can I blame him?
When we're told anything from a size 0 to a size 22+ can be
described as "curvy".... who really knows!?

I personally like being called curvy.
It's the truth - I do have curves.
Big hips, big boobs... definable waist.
But to some - I'm huge! 

Point is -
what is the point?
Love yourself? Lame.
Don't let labels get to you? Good luck.
Enjoy your body for what it is? Okay.
Do what makes you happy, let the rest take care of itself? Okay.

It's a struggle out there.
Maybe just see each girl for what she is -
good hair, nice rack, hot jeans, sweet lipstick...
the list goes on.

Or - go with the word "Bombshell".
Bombshell is good.

Side bar - trying to find a "curvy" quote on the internet
was ridiculous and almost made me want to chuck this blog post all together.

So instead, enjoy hearing my favourite song of the moment, which,
has, literally nothing to do with being fat, or thin, or curvy... thank God.

Stompa - Serena Ryder

"People, looking for the great escapeLooking for the greener sideTrying to find a better waySlow down; open up your big brown eyesFeel the rhythm in your heart"


  1. Maybe we stop judging ourselves and each other based on appearances altogether and instead listen to what we have each have to say.

  2. thanks for reading brie, and for the comments :)

  3. Great post Car! I agree - "curvy" has become the go-to word to describe women of all shapes and sizes in the last few months and it does lessen the meaning of the term as a result. As a society, we're so concerned with labels and assigning people to certain categories (like the whole "metrosexual" thing) that we keep using a bunch of terms when it really doesn't matter.

    This post also made me think of all the words we have to describe people, especially when it comes to the way they look (tall, short, rotund, skinny, slim, full-figured, plus sized, big-boned - which I've long disliked - curvy, statuesque etc.) Why do we care so much?

  4. Personally I'd describe my body-type as a curvy string-bean.
