I'm having a crisis!
An inner battle, if you will.
I am 100% distracted/preoccupied/obsessed
with all things motherhood,
but I'm terrified of becoming one of those
"100% distracted/preoccupied/obsessed" women.
I really can't stand people who get super focused
on one aspect of their life...
and then they're all
"oh, let me talk about this subject non stop, for all eternity".
But then, here I am, talking about maternity clothes
and strollers, centrepieces for my baby brunch,
and how I'm so tired all the time... you know, from the pregnancy,
and, so.much.baby.thoughts.
Because life has become social media obsessed,
I'm trying so hard to keep my obsession at bay.
I think (think?) I'm doing a pretty good job.
But, still.... terrified!
I want to come across as the girl who is still the same,
while being pregnant... kind of like a side note.
But is that realistic? Does that make me a bad pre-mom?
Can I still maintain my coolness,
while discussing the pure genius of the jolly jumper?
I've been told, quite frequently (thank you everyone!)
that my future offspring is lucky to have me.
That's sweet!
Because I'm like, so totally in love with my baby already!
But in a...
sipping my coffee, wearing cool leather (who am I kidding, fake leather) jacket,
still swearing with my friends kind of way.
It's a hard transition to make, not going to lie.
I hope I'm doing okay.
Our baby arrives in 4 months.
Anyone want to talk baby bathtubs?
Side note - Thank you to one of my favourite friends for being the
inspiration behind this post.
You know who you are, Clowny McDrummer Girl.
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