Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Danger Zone

A lot of talk has started up again since North Carolina put a ban on gay marriage 
(otherwise known as Amendment One) today.

A lot of the reason is going back to the “God says it’s bad” excuse, 
and, in the words of Jesse Tyler Ferguson’s tweet today - 
“The God excuse is starting to wear thin on me”.

I couldn’t agree more.

I am extremely over people hiding behind what they think God said about homosexuality, 
most often quoting Leviticus 18:22 – 
“Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable” (NIV)

What I am about to say next is not a new concept –

And what I mean by that - Leviticus was written a very long time ago.

Did you know?

We can still possess slaves if we want to? Leviticus says so! 
Oh, as long as they are from “neighbouring nations” (25:44) 
So, watch out Americans… I’m going to make one or more of you my slaves, because the Bible says I can! 
And men or women are eligible for slave status… I wouldn’t want to discriminate!

You should NOT talk to, have contact with, sit by, near, or around, any woman on her “time of the month”. 
So, leave me alone! I’m on my period. (Leviticus 15: 19-24) 
It might be hard to tell which girl is on her period though… I would suggest asking. 
See how that goes.

Some people have to work on Sundays. 
FOR SHAME! Exodus 35:2 tells me those people should be put to death. 
Unfortunate, but if the Old Testament says so, we should all grab our pitchforks now 
and canvas the local everything, and kill those peeps that so dare to work on the Sabbath.

And uh oh – I went to a “Seafood Gala” the other day.  
 Leviticus 11:10 tells me eating shellfish is an Abomination. 
Although – phew – not as much as being Gay.
Thank Goodness.
Maybe I’ll only have to deal with the repercussions of abominating for a month instead of eternity. I do love shrimp. A lot.

What am I saying here?

STOP hiding behind God.
STOP using Him as the reason people can’t get married if they want to.

I know He’s up there, shaking His head.

He’s wondering why some people are so preoccupied with Leviticus, and not so much about what Ephesians 4:2 has to say:

"With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,"

Get over it. 
By all means, have an opinion (as I do, clearly).
But to say “Well, the Bible says it’s wrong” just isn’t going to fly anymore.

And for those of you who knew me in another time, when church and “what the Bible says” was my be all and end all – I apologize for what you think of me now.

…not really.

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