Thursday, May 17, 2012

James VanderBeek-in-action!

Who knew this guy -


Would eventually become THIS guy -


All of a sudden, Dawson, James has grown up and become a good looking dude!
I did not expect this.

On Dawson's Creek, James VDB bothers the CRAP out of me.
He's whiny, lame, and totally tool-ish.

Pacey (yummy Joshua Jackson) is where it's at in the DC Days.

Actually, he is STILL where it's at -


However, out of the blue it seems, James has become this 
funny, charming, totally able to make fun of himself (which is the best) guy.

The new show, Don't Trust the B in Apt. 23, is not that good.
BUT, James is saving the day with his hilarious portrayal 
of himself as an actor trying to get out of the Dawson persona for which he is best known.

Here he decides to teach an acting class because if 
"James Franco can do it, I can do it. I'm going to beat Franco at Acting teaching."

 hee hee.

He tries to teach them Hamlet, but the audience only has DC questions (like - "was it hot to make out with Katie Holmes?" and "were you and Pacey always drunk on set?"), and he eventually succumbs and acts out the part of when he tells Joey he loves her for the first time.


And who can forget his role as Robin's ex-boyfriend 
(Canadian style) on How I met Your Mother

 his Canadian accent made me giggle.

 Or his part in Ke$ha's music video playing the part of
James Van der Douche?

Blow - Ke$ha

 Vander Douche? GOLD!

 OR... his amazing talent on the set of Criminal Minds when he played, 
hands down, the creepiest killer I've ever seen on the show. 


James - You may be on fire!

[describing heartbreak] "It's agony. Complete, excruciating agony. It's like your heart has been ripped out of your chest and stomped on, and you can't breathe... you don't want to eat... you can't function. It's the most intense pain that you'll ever feel, and the worst part is, there's no way to relieve it. It's unyielding, merciless torture, and you *know* that it's yours for life." 
- Dawson Leery

(barf. He's supposed to be 15 in this episode... typical DC pretentiousness.)

Maybe we just try to forget the Dawson days...

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