Saturday, July 23, 2011

Something New

YAY! Today I tried something new.

Or rather, last night, I guess.
I painted my finger nails.  An actual colour. (PINK, no less.)

AND! Today the colour was still on, and I went out in public with pink fingernails. 
(Public = my job!)

I know what you're thinking... "so what."

But really, I don't know if I've ever had my finger nails painted for normal, every day life, and enjoyed the look.
But I'm digging it huge time, and I'm excited I just went ahead with the pink digits.

Decent right? Right.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Big 300

Today marks a fairly significant day in my life... in my sad, pathetic little life (read bitterness, not how I actually feel every day).

Today I hit the Big Three-Oh-Oh... as in, I have now applied to 300 jobs since graduating from my University of Choice with a glowing degree.

300 job applications ago, I was still bright eyed and bushy tailed about my future.
300 job applications ago, I was excited about filling out forms, making myself sound as good as possible, and naive enough to think it would be a cinch to get a career.

"I have a diploma AND a degree, it'll be so easy for me! Who wouldn't want these credentials? This personality? This amazing on AND off paper gal?"

Apparently, no one.
300 job applications ago, I thought my life was made in the shade.

Don't get me wrong - I have a good life.  I even have a job right now that I really like.  

Unfortunately, it's seasonal and one of those "living paycheck to paycheck/no benefits" deals, so it's not quite what I imagined for myself 300 job applications ago.

So I am raising a glass (of something strong) to this landmark day, and hoping (PLEASE) that maybe, just maybe, 300 is my lucky number.

This is what my frustration looks like on the inside.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dirty Little Secret

 I have a confession to make.

I haven't done laundry in over a month.
And to give myself the push I needed to get it all done, I decided to showcase just how bad the laundry situation has become in our home.

I'm telling you - this isn't for the faint of heart.  If you love organization and hate mess, I highly suggest you look away and immediately go stare at your neatly folded, organized, clean and colour coded closet.

Step 1 of Operation Laundry was to admit I have a problem.
Can you spot the dog? Please don't call the humane society, I promise he's well taken care of, despite this hoarder-esque monstrosity we call our "clothes room".

Yep, I definitely have a situation.

Step 2 - Dive in and sort - whites, darks, dryer only, hang only, lights, brights.... brain aneurism, check.

 This took me like a half an hour. Carter got stuck inside the room, and was extremely worried he'd never get out.  For a few minutes, I myself wondered if I was doomed to live in this room forever.

Sort success!  5 oversized loads of laundry at attention and ready to go.
(Sadly not included in these loads are jeans, towels, and sheets.) 

So in total - that is 8, count 'em EIGHT - loads of laundry.

Let me remind you that there are only 2 people living in our home.  No kids. I'm extremely worried about how we will handle that.

NOW... before you get completely disgusted and wonder how on earth two reasonably well dressed, hygienic, and high functioning members of society can live in such squalor, you have come to Step 3 of Operation Laundry....The Laundry Room.
 The sign I bought in hopes that my laundry room would somehow become more kitschy and whimsical. It didn't work.

Welcome to hell.

We have the world's most disgusting laundry room.

Above the washing machine hangs a lovely menagerie of cobwebs, rusty nails, and questionable liquid drips.

Our laundry room is where nightmares go to die.

So, now, can you REALLY blame me for avoiding this hole as much as possible?

I hate doing the laundry - so in the word's of Charlotte Diamond....

"The laundry, the laundry - I'm slowly going insane."

PS - I'm down 2 loads, only 6 more to go!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Oh Canada

If you know me, you know that Canada Day is my favourite day of the year.

The tradition, the love I have for my Country, the community based warmth I feel for this day is probably a little crazy, but I just Love. Canada. Day.

So however you spend today - Happy Canada Day.

"O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee."