Wednesday, February 29, 2012

You're so gRay.

I'm coming off a vacation high, which really means that I'm circling into a sad state of "post vacation depression" (dramatic much?)

Add the starting of a cold to the mix, and the absolute dreariness of the weather outside... and what you have folks is one sad state of affairs.

While staring out into the abyss this morning from my window, the grayness of the sky was almost overwhelming, and my first thought was to be in a bad mood about it. 

Gray has a bad rap...  wrap?

Gray hair? BOO, HISS. 
Gray weather? They've named a whole disorder because of it, and it's called SAD for crying out loud.
Gray food? Um... okay, perhaps take it back.  There isn't anything good about gray food.

HOWEVER! I then had an even better thought and decided to focus on all things good about being GRAY.

 I imagine this fellow is saying something along the lines of... "I'm gray and I will win this staring contest."

One of the hottest couples on the planet working the gray look. And doing a stellar job.

This scarf is sooo nice. That's all.

And you said gray hair couldn't be sexy!

This counts. Mmmmm.

Holy geez, this is one cute bundle of gray.

Gray and pink for a baby girl's room? So classy. So chic. So... I want a baby RIGHT NOW!

This image is for my husband, who by at this point in my blog is about to yell at me for mentioning babies... LOOK ZOOLOGY PROF HUSBAND! A BIRD! YOU LOVE THOSE!

And back to babies.  SO CUTE! SO GRAY! Tots adorbs.

...and now back to animals. Elephants are my fav, and they couldn't be grayer.

 Matthew GRAY Gubler.  Need I say more? He can make any day a little brighter.

My favourite hat... and it's gray! And it has buttons!

So yes, gray isn't so bad.

"There used to be a graying tower alone on the sea.
You became the light on the dark side of me." - Seal, Kiss From a Rose

(This lyric probably doesn't do justice to gray the way I want it to, but I love it.)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Head Shake.

Did Nicki Manaj really walk down the red carpet in a red nun's uniform?

You Becthya!

And did she really have an old man walk down the red carpet with her looking like the Pope?

 Of course!

Didn't you hear - old men are the new black!

I'm sort of starting to believe the world will end in 2012... fashion has clearly gone down hill. It only makes sense the Apocalypse would be next.

Nicki Manaj - fail.