Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Just a reminder.

Words to live by

Thursday, July 26, 2012

All Hail The Bale.

 Let me start this post by reiterating that I love my husband
and I think he is a beautiful man.

Look at him! No complaints here.


I saw Dark Knight Rises last night.
And now, let me say... Christian Bale...
is also a beautiful man.

I've been on the Christian Bale band wagon 
since I was in grade 6, and saw the movie, The Newsies.
It's in my top 5 movies of all time, and I have been
crushing HARD on CB since then.

circa 1992.
(As a side note, if you ever find the DVD
of this movie, please buy it for me immediately.
It's my Holy Grail.)

I like to think I was a Bale fan way before 
it was trendy to do so.

He is getting better and better with age.
He also happens to be a fantastic actor,
and he loves his wife and does the whole dad thing.

What a guy!

"I think trying too hard to be sexy is the worst thing in the world a woman can do." - Mr. Bale

He's perfect!

Chris, I love you.
Can I just add a "tian" to your name for a few days?

You now have my permission to gush
about Kate Beckinsale for awhile. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

50 Shades of The Worst Book Ever.

Everyone and their mother is writing/talking/reading about this book:


So, I'll admit, my interest was piqued, and I went out 
and bought it yesterday.

I thought, hmmm... only 15 bucks, what a steal.

What a steal? 
I'm the real victim here.

This book is TERRIBLE.

I read three chapters last night, and had this face 
the whole time:

What a waste of time this book is.

The writing is on par with...
what? A four year old?
An elephant taking a stab at a keyboard?

Time to Reiterate:

I'm sad for what people think qualifies as
best seller material.

Time for me to re-read something 
fantastic to restore my faith in literature. 

I do apologize to those people who
completely love this book.

I won't judge you, much.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Proud Time Waster

Sometimes I feel like what I do in my spare time is
somehow wrong, or bad... because I'm not
necessarily helping the world or making a difference
or doing anything seemingly productive.

But I work hard, I do a lot of less than fun activities...
why should I feel badly
 about how I spend my spare time? 

It's a sad day when you can't do what you want.
(Within reason of course... 
I'm not promoting illegal activity.)

So, no more feeling bad...
It's my time! 

If I want to watch 4 hours of the DIY network, I'm going to.
(And who am I kidding... 4 hours? Try 8.)

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I am not a Mother. Yet.
This post isn't my "coming out of the pregnancy closet" so
hold your excitement.
Let me be clear - I am NOT pregnant.

I was reading about P!nk today,
and her thoughts on being a Mom.

And I realized, I love her.  I think she's fantastic.
She's what I want to look like when I'm a Mom -
all tattoos and smiles and cool hats.


But more importantly,
I want to have her attitude.

"I do a lot of dancing now with [Willow] and I’m just happier,” she says. “Your career goes up and down, but … at the end of the day, if I didn’t do another thing, I’m blessed. I like myself more than I used to.” - P!nk


Lots of Mom's complain, and I get it... not every day is Instagram perfection.

But, isn't it lovely that she likes herself more with baby in tow?

Good stuff.

Oh Geez, baby fever.