Wednesday, April 20, 2011

More Than You Need

I'm currently watching Oprah, and Tom Shadyac is on.  

This man is amazing.  The following is an excerpt from his new documentary I Am, which is his story about going from "Riches to Rags" and the world's ever-growing addiction to materialism.  

The following quote literally blew me away.

 Nature is very clear on this.  There is one fundamental law that all of nature obeys, that mankind breaks every day. And the law is this;

Nothing in nature takes more than it needs.  A redwood tree doesn’t take all of the soil’s nutrients, just what it needs to grow.  A lion doesn’t kill every gazelle, just one.  

We have a term for something in the body when it takes more than its share - we call it cancer.  So that was a shock to me - that I was a part of the cancer, because I wanted to be part of the healing.

Maybe you don't need tons of stuff.  Maybe you just need what you need, and then you can focus on the things that really matter.

Hug your kids, kiss your boyfriend, talk to your soul mate.