Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Irish Know What's Up

I think I was Irish in another life.
As soon as I arrived in Ireland (when I visited last year) I felt like I was...

The people are unbelievable.
The lifestyle is enviable.
Everything is so much more relaxed.

Of all the people we met on our travels there - not one, and I literally mean, not
one, asked my husband or I what we "did for a living".

Everyone wanted to know where we were from, what we did for fun,
what interested us.

WHAT? A conversation that doesn't revolve around what job you have?
It was a lovely break from the Southern Ontario attitude of
"tell me what you do, so I can compare myself to you and see who is more


I think I smiled the whole time I was there.
My husband and I, and our dear friend Meaghan were having brunch one
day in Northern Ireland. 
It was maybe 11AM, and the table beside us - two gentlemen, 
had started into a couple of pints of Guiness.
(sidebar - Guiness in Ireland is delish)

It was the best... we were there having breakfast,
but it was completely acceptable for people to be having a drink.
Judgemental? Nope.

If that happened here,
whispers would be running rampant,
the word "alcoholic" would be tossed,
people with nothing better to do would have something to say.

Ireland - I miss you.


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